Parallel Computing in R, from parallel to foreach and future

This is my talk at 2022 China R conference



pkgdown: an easy way to build website for your R package

In this small talk, I want to introduce pkgdown, an R package that makes building website for your R packages simple and elegent.

Marginal False Discovery Rates

In this group seminar, I will talk about the concept of Marginal False Discovery Rates(mFDR) based on the paper "Marginal false discovery rates for penalized regression models" by Patrick Breheny.

Simple introduction to quantmod and tushare

This is a brief introduction about R package quantmod and tushare

HPC with R

This talk mainly focused on combining R with C/C++ and parallel computation in R.

Robust Subgroup Analysis and Variable Selection

This package carries out the **R**obust **S**ubgroup **A**nalysis and **V**ariable **S**election simultaneously.

Setup Academic Theme

In this post I recored how I set up this blog using the Hugo Academic Themes and R blogdown.

Doctoral Forum at Fudan University

Robust subgroup analysis and variable selection